Mohd Asim

Senior Software Engineer


(per hour)


  • An Experience of 5+ years in structuring, developing and implementing interactive web applications with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web and mobile platform projects with Automation. Analytical, Adaptive and Technically Proficient.
  • Possess sound understanding of Telecom/GSM concepts and solutions/products in telecom and travel/transportation space;knowledge of JavaScript, NodeJS, Linux, AWS and GCP.
  • Exposure in designing, development, coding,testing and debugging of system software.
  • Skilled in analysing information system needs,evaluating end-user requirements, custom designing solutions, troubleshooting for complex information systems management Proficient in providing and maintaining documentation on systems configurations,databases, define methods or working and daily operational procedures
  • A go-getter with strong communication,coordination, analytical & networking skills
Work Experience:
Senior Software Engineer
  • Designing and developing software architecture to meet growing customers and to ensure smooth experience for user.
  • Handle and manage all product requirements (Website, portals, app).
  • To analyze, write code and engineer well-researched, cost-effective and responsive solutions

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