Parvinder Singh Saluja

Full-Stack JS Developer


(per hour)


Full-Stack JS Developer with an experience of 8 years in building impactful products and websites using React JS, Node JS, React-Remix, GraphQL, etc. I have designed and architected the entire backend and front end for multiple applications that are impacting 100K+ users from across the globe.
  • React JS- 6 Years of Experience
  • Built the official company website and the admin portal using React JS with Tailwind
  • CSS for Inkdesk that connects 2K+ brands to 100+ global publishers, currently.
  • Developed the official website and the admin portal for NexusNotes using React JS with
  • BootStrap that provides subject-based notes to 30K+ students, currently.
  • Created multiple chat applications with pixel-perfect UIs using React JS with Tailwind
  • CSS. Extensively worked with React concepts like SSR, custom hooks, HOCs, etc.
  • Node JS- 5 Years of Experience
  • Built the entire backend for Inkdesk’s official website using Remix (built over Node JS) Pris with Prisma
  • Experienced in working with Node JS and its frameworks like Nest JS, Express JS & GraphQL.
  • I have built multiple scalable APIs with MySQL database while managing authentication using JWT & Passport JS.

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