I am a Joomla expert having 10+ years of experience which includes highly customized themes, extensions, plugins, and components.
I have worked on many of Joomla's components Like Event Booking, Virtuemart, Jomsocial, Hikashop, Hikaserial, Esayprofile, EasyBlog, J2 Store, Community Builder, Listbingo, JEvents, Eventlist, JCal Pro, Sobi2, Joomfish, Vik Rent Car, Mijoshop, Vempra Software, Chronoforms, Phoca Gallery, Kunena, Fabrik Forms, Rspro Form, Breezing Forms, HElix template management, ARI QUIZ, LMS_SUPER where I have customized these extensions, and I have created components com_proteon, com_proparking, com_prorestaurent, Promocode Manager, weddings, Proteon, AppsConda and, more.