Web Developer

Node JS Developer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1-3 Days
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


Software Engineer with 3+ years of intense experience in freelancing (Node.Js/ Express/ React/ MongoDb/ Rest Api’s)
  • Creating UI, Servers, Listening data from Robotics Arm with Sockets,Crud operations with databases with React, NodeJS, MongoDb, Express, WebSockets.
  • Completed 15+ projects using tech Stack NodeJS, Express, MongoDb created fully fuctional automation web scripts, Rest Api’s, Rotaion proxies.
  • Developed communication as working with clients from different countries, problem solving skill, bidding, cost estimation, required working hour estimations, revisions costing etc.
  • Developed famialirity with AWS, API’s permission requirement for big brands like facebook twitter etc
  • Instagram Automation Tool: Built a tool to automate manual activity on Instagram by using Instagram Api’s as well as open source private api’s, nodejs/express for server’s api’s connections, routing,db connections, rotaional proxies, mongodb and react for UI and database
  • Web based software for collaborative robot’s arm: Allowing a user to configure the robot’s settings and anlysing robot’s incoming data(like live feed for temp, speed....a lot more).Worked with webSockets, react, nodejs, express, fileSystem, encryption, mongoose, axios, jQuerry, react-grid-layout, recharts etc.

About The Seller

H S Parmar

Node JS | Fullstack Developer

  • Location:

Starting From
Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 6377

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