I am a Java Developer with 2 Years of Experience
Skillset: Spring Boot | Hibernate | Microservices | MySQL | Rest |
- Developed the native android application from scratch.
- A platform to learn programming.
- Voice guides to learn anytime, anywhere.
- The platform keeps track of the progress of users in different courses.
- The app is fully dynamic which doesn’t require updating the app to add/update the course or course content.
- Projects Summary:
- A native android application to create dynamic puzzle.
- User can create a puzzle by capturing image and entering the size of the grid.
- Puzzle can be solved by drag and drop the image pieces.
- The application simulates the banking operations like deposit, withdraw etc.
- Firebase is used for the user authentication, password reset and storing transaction history.
- A real time android based app (written on kotlin) that provides total no of covid patients in various cities of India.
- An android based game which plays music by clicking on the black tile.
- Score keeps on increasing till user click on the black tile, game over once user clicks on white tile.
- Highest score is stored in the Shared Preferences