Kamal Rajput

Python Fullstack



(per hour)

Featured Services


  • Worked on creating accounting software on the latest technology like Python 3.
  • Individually worked on more than 5 projects and delivered with proficiency and still working to deliver more.
  • Every project is developed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to ensure the same OS on both the production and development server.
  • Leading a small team of developers. guiding them technically towards the goals.
  • Managing various projects simultaneously.
  • I did complete R&D on OCR(Optical Character Recognition) using tesseract-OCR, tesseract.js, etc. with accuracy of up to 60%.
  • Worked on AWS to deploy the project on EC2 Instance(m4.large) and roll out updates


Software Engineer

  • February 1, 2019 - continue

Worked on creating accounting software on the latest technology like Python 3. Individually worked on more than 5 projects and delivered with proficiency and still working to deliver more. Every project is developed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to ensure the same OS on both the production and development server. Leading a small team of developers. guiding them technically towards the goals. Managing various projects simultaneously. I did complete R&D on OCR(Optical Character Recognition) using tesseract-OCR, tesseract.js, etc. with accuracy of up to 60%. Worked on AWS to deploy the project on EC2 Instance(m4.large) and roll out updates.

Educational Details


  • Dronacharya College of Engineering
  • August 1, 2015 - August 1, 2019

B.Tech/B.E.,Computers,2019rnUGrnDronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon

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