Muni Kumar

Data Analyst



(per hour)

Featured Services


  • 8+ years of software development experience in Python backend development using PHP and Python web frameworks.
  • 5+ years of research experience in data science on various machine learning and deep learning use cases.
  • Good work experience in neural machine translation (NMT), named entity recognition (NER) and Text Classification using transformer models.
  • Expertise in developing products from scratch and troubleshooting various performance issues.


Backend Developer

  • June 1, 2020 - December 1, 2022

o Worked on the backend development (Rest API) for file management service using fastAPI for uploading drug labels in pdf and sent to the processing pipeline. o Data Preparation for training various deep learning based text classification models for Base Component Mapping of various country Drug Labels such as SMPC, USPI etc. o Worked on the training of weakly supervised text classification models for Base Component Mapping in various Drug Labels..

Backend Developer

  • June 1, 2020 - December 1, 2022

o Worked on the data preparation from tagged documents for NER and classification models. o Trained NER and classification models for extraction of key fields like Phase, VerbatimIndication, BidDueDate, PresentationDate, Protocol Number, Drug Name etc. using AWS Sagemaker. o Evaluation and deployment of the ML models trained in sagemaker as Sagemaker endpoints and preparation of inference code. o Development of retraining pipeline for pulling the feedback records from dynamoDB and retrain the models by augmenting feedback records using AWS StepFunctions service

Data Analyst

  • January 1, 2019 - May 1, 2020

o Deconstruction of the word documents using OpenXML SDK and generate IQVXML with all the content and formatting details preserved. o Call the Segmentation microservice to generate a segmented file for the input document. o Call the translation microservice with the segmented file to generate target file o Reconstruction of the document with translated segments back to the original formatting with the target language


  • July 1, 2017 - December 1, 2018

o Worked on the Integration of Interactive Brokers (IB) API into our Trading Platform. o Developed REST APIs for accessing and saving of trading data o Downloading and processing of the trading data from Accern data dumps. o Generating portfolios based on the average scores calculated for the data dump received from Accern. o Purging the archive data every week, creating and configuring the scheduler code to run the job


  • February 1, 2015 - June 1, 2017

o Involved in the backend development for the patient and doctor registration and login activities. o Developed the Rest API endpoints for the search functionality. o Involved in the development of appointment scheduling and video scheduling with the required REST APIs for mobile apps. o Integrated Web Real Time Communication (RTC) for establishing the streaming of communication between web applications / browsers. o Integrated payment gateway to collect consultation charges for the doctor-patient interaction based on the type of consultation availed.

Educational Details


  • Vellore Institute of Technology University
  • August 1, 2014 - August 1, 2018

Vellore Institute of Technology University , Vellore, Tamil Nadu – Ph.D Ph.D in the department of Computer Science & Engineering with “Healthcare Data Analytics and Disease Prediction using NLP techniques in EHRs” as Specialization


  • JNTU
  • August 1, 2008 - August 1, 2011

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Master of Technology M.Tech in Computer Science and Computer Science & Engineering with 81.11 %.


  • JNTU
  • August 1, 2001 - August 1, 2005

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Bachelor of Technology B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with 76.40%.

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