Software Developer
• Part of team of two that developed Advance Search Module.rn• Developed and managed various reports in reports module of the projectsrnusing SQL and PL/SQL.rn• Developed and managed data exports to PDF and Excel by using JRXML rnJasper and through Apache POI XSSF.rn• One of the key member id development and management Spring and Camel rnbased intermediate module between Mobile Integration and Siebel.rn• Created and managed many Cronjobs in project.rn• Created and managed many Schedulers, Triggers, Views, Synonyms, Indexes rnand Materialized Views in project.rn• Development and management of various enhancements in City Service rnDirectory module using Content Server RIDC and Webcenter Portal.rn• Served as an active member who had taken part in many enhancements and rnbug fixes as per requirement.