Sondagar Jatin Rajubhai

Android/Flutter Developer



(per hour)

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I am an Android Developer with 4 years of Experience.

Technical Skills -

  • Native Android: Java, Kotlin
  • Hybrid: Flutter
  • Google Maps API
  • Firebase/Firestore, Firestore Remote Config, Authentication, Push Notification
  • RESTfull API Integration
  • In-App Purchases (Subscription, one-time purchase)
  • GeoLocation
  • SQLite, Room
  • Onesignal Notification
  • Google Map
  • Social Logins(Google Login, Facebook Login)
  • APK Decompiler
  • Ads Integration (Facebook Audience Network, Google Admob, Startup"


Android (Java/Kotlin/Flutter) Developer

  • Freelancing
  • June 1, 2019 - continue

Android Developer

  • IT Company
  • March 1, 2017 - April 1, 2018

Educational Details

Bachelor of Engineering

  • Shree Swami Aatmanand Saraswati Instituteof Technologies
  • June 1, 2012 - June 1, 2016

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