
React JS Frontend Developer



(per hour)


  • Front End Developer with expertise in React js. Extensively working on technologies like HTML5,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,React Reactjs.
  • Having 2+ years of Professional experience in the space of Transportation And E-commerce Web Application Support.
  • Skills to work as a Front End Developer on React js.
  • Extensively working on technologies like HTML5,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,React Reactjs .
  • Involved for status reporting and direct interaction with client with SLA details.
  • Analyzing production issues and provided prompt solutions based on the priority.
  • Scripts for various alerts and triggers in production support environments.
  • Maintaining and troubleshooting SQL server issues like SQL jobs, DB mail setups and linked server issues.
  • HTML : Tags ,Events, Properties, Attributes ,Forms, Frames, Tables ,Image, HTML Java-script, Layouts , Buttons, Check-boxes,Logins,Lists( Ordered, In-ordered, Descriptions), HTML API 's,HTML Media.
  • CSS : Selectors, Inline, Internal and External CSS ,CSS Properties,CSS Designs (Grid,Layout,Table,Box-model).JavaScript: Statements ,Operators, Objects, JavaScript BOM( Browser Object Model), Javascript DOM.
  • React js: Components, State and Props ,Constructors , JSX , Routers, API's , Events , Rendering , Lists, Keys , Forms, Context, HOOKS concept, Portals, Error-boundaries, Higher-Order-Components.
  • SQL : SQL Overview, Data Definition Language , Data Manipulation Language,
  • Data Control Language,Transaction Control Language,Data Query Language.
  • Java : Java overview , Data types ,Variables,OOPs concept, type of variable, Method Overloading &Overriding, operators ,Decision Making , Looping and Jump statements, Array ( 1D and 2D), Strings , String literal (heap and String Constant pool), String buffer , String Builder, String Methods , Collections.
  • Python : Python overview , Data types, Operators, conditional statements,loop statements, functions ,Try & Except , In-built functions.


Application Support Developer

  • Leading Service Based IT company
  • March 1, 2022 - continue

Roles and Responsibilities:rnrn• We create customer satisfaction way of applications.rnrn• Solve the tickets whatever the customer raised.rnrn• Design front end and back end DB.rnrn• Enhance code as per industry standard.

Educational Details


  • JNTU
  • August 1, 2015 - August 1, 2019

B.Tech/B.E.,Computers,2019rnUGrnJNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur

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