Web Developer

Website developer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1 Month
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


  • Professional Summary:
  • Website developer with proficiency in JavaScript, NodeJS, Python programming, ReactJS, HTML, CSS.
  • Developed a responsive website for Food Store where users can see a list of food items, detailed information about a food item, offers.
  • Designed page using following HTML structure elements like li, header, article, footer elements and different bootstrap components to show different sections in the website and different bootstrap classes for responsiveness through mobile-first approach.
  • Implemented product youtube videos by using bootstrap embed and model components
  • Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Developed persistent todo application with CRUD operations to track list of tasks.
  • Displayed list of todos with HTML list elements, styled todo list using CSS, Bootstrap
  • Implemented todo crud operations by using JavaScript event listeners and updated UI dynamically by using JavaScript DOM operations.
  • Used Arrays, Objects and their methods during todo list CRUD Operations, Persisted todo list state on page reloads using local storage methods.
  • Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
  • Implemented Nxt Trendz application, which is a clone for ECommerce applications like Amazon, Flipkart where users can login and can see list of products with search, filters, sort by, etc.
  • Implemented Different pages and routes for Login, Products, Product details using React Router components Route, Switch, Link, props, state, lists, event handlers, form inputs.
  • Authenticating and authorizing users by taking username, password and doing login POST HTTP API Call and implementing filters by sending them as query parameters to product api calls.
  • Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in local storage, Sending it in headers of further api calls to authorize the user.
  • Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication
  • Primary Skills: Javascript, Node.Js, Python programming, React.Js,HTML,CSS
  • Secondary Skills: Express, Node.JS, SQLite,GIT,, HTML, CSS,Django

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Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 4976

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