



(per hour)

Featured Services


  • Freelancer with IT Experience in Webapp development with python.
  • Web application:
  • Data handling and storage in various business modules. Example: CRM, HR, Service Management, eLearning Management.
  • Role based logins with single sign on using Gmail and Facebook.
  • Desktop application: TKinter based desktop app for attendance maintenance.
  • Web Application
  • Learning platform implementation with centralized repository for documents.
  • Ideation tools integrated to the learning platform. Single sign on, using MS accounts.
  • Web Hosting
  • Hosting web apps using Nginx in a on premise setup.
  • DevOps
  • A simpler installation of the Hadoop setup using ansible and shell scripts.
  • Automation of deployment of the business logics in the Hadoop setup.
  • Data migration Description: Lakhs of live and archived data was imported for an inhouse application. In the process Spoon ETL tool was used.
  • Project implementation
  • Different modules were analysed, designed and developed to handle the planning,implementation and monitoring process of organization. These consisted of HR and Sales Apps.
  • During the analysis process the domain processes were extensively laid out to pave way for designing the app.
  • Application layout inclusive of screen and database were designed


Developer, Team Lead & Functional Analyst

  • Leading Product Based Company
  • December 1, 2014 - May 1, 2018

Roles: Developer, Team Lead & Functional AnalystrnTechnology: Open ERP (ERP), OdoornModules: Project Management, Purchase Management, Leave ManagementrnImplementations:rnData migrationrnDescription: Lakhs of live and archived data was imported for an inhouse application. rnIn the process Spoon ETL tool was used.rnProject implementationrnDifferent modules were analysed, designed and developed to handle the planning, rnimplementation and monitoring process of organization. These consisted of HR and rnSales Apps.rnDuring the analysis process the domain processes were extensively laid out to pave way rnfor designing the app. Application layout inclusive of screen and database were rndesigned.

Software Engineer

  • July 1, 2018 - October 29, 2020

Roles: Software EngineerrnTechnology: Python, Ansible, Django, Nginx, XML, Odoo 12, Flask, JenkinsrnOS: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS)rnImplementations:rnWeb ApplicationrnLearning platform implementation with centralized repository for documents.rnIdeation tools integrated to the learning platform.rnSingle sign on, using MS accounts. rnWeb HostingrnHosting web apps using Nginx in a on premise setup.rnA JOEBERT Phone no: 9868835209rnEmail id: ajoebert@gmail.comrnDevOpsrnA simpler installation of the Hadoop setup using ansible and shell scripts. rnAutomation of deployment of the business logics in the Hadoop setup.

Software Engineer

  • November 1, 2020 - continue

Roles: FreelancerrnTechnology: Python, Flask, Nginx, XML, Odoo 15, Flask, GitHub, PostgreSQLrnOS: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), MacOSrnImplementations:rnWeb applicationrnData handling and storage in various business modules. Example: CRM, HR, Service rnManagement, eLearning Management.rnRole based logins with single sign on using Gmail and Facebook.rnDesktop applicationrnTKinter based desktop app for attendance maintenance.

Educational Details


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