P Mohan

React.JS Fullstack Developer



(per hour)


Fullstack Developer with experience in JavaScript Intermediate, HTML Advanced, Deep Learning Intermediate, Python Advanced, Django Advanced, React JS Advanced, jQuery Intermediate, React JS Advanced jQuery Intermediate Amazon Web ServicesAWSIntermediate ERP Implementation and Deployment Intermediate Node.js Intermediate MySQL Advanced Golang Beginner Postgre SQL Advanced.


Fullstack Developer

  • Software Firm
  • August 1, 2022 - continue

I have been working as a full Stack developer. I have beenrnworking With Infosys for this project . we are developing anrnapp called Virtual Internal Auditor. My responsibilities includesrnfixing bugs in production and creating APIs and UserrnInterfaces.

Fullstack Developer

  • Automation Company
  • September 1, 2020 - August 1, 2022

My responsiblities include developing rest end points as perrnthe requirements in frappe(python) and using those endrnpoints in the front end(react) and deploying those in devrnenvironments.rn

Educational Details


  • sri venkateswara university college of engineering
  • August 1, 2016 - August 1, 2020

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Computer Sciencernsri venkateswara university college of engineeringrn2016 - 2020rnCGPA: 7.60/10

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