
React JS Fullstack Developer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1 Month
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


  • Fullstack Developer with experience in developing an app called Virtual Internal Auditor. My responsibilities include fixing bugs in production and creating APIs and User Interfaces.
  • My responsiblities include developing rest end points as per the requirements in frappe(python) and using those end points in the front end(react) and deploying those in dev environments.
  • I am responsible for building new features or making enhancements for the existing app which is in production. My responsibilities included making APIs and binding those APIs in the frontend (react+redux)as per the requirements or the use case given.
  • Skills:
  • JavaScript: Intermediate,
  • HTML: Advanced,
  • Deep Learning: Intermediate,
  • Python: Advanced,
  • Django: Advanced,
  • React JS: Advanced,
  • jQuery: Intermediate,
  • React JS: Advanced
  • jQuery: Intermediate
  • Amazon Web Services
  • AWS
  • ERP Implementation and Deployment: Intermediate
  • Node.js: Intermediate
  • MySQL: Advanced
  • Golang: Beginner
  • Postgre SQL: Advanced.

About The Seller

P Mohan

React.JS Fullstack Developer

  • Location:

Starting From
Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 4573

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