- Fullstack Developer with experience in developing an app called Virtual Internal Auditor. My responsibilities include fixing bugs in production and creating APIs and User Interfaces.
- My responsiblities include developing rest end points as per the requirements in frappe(python) and using those end points in the front end(react) and deploying those in dev environments.
- I am responsible for building new features or making enhancements for the existing app which is in production. My responsibilities included making APIs and binding those APIs in the frontend (react+redux)as per the requirements or the use case given.
- Skills:
- JavaScript: Intermediate,
- HTML: Advanced,
- Deep Learning: Intermediate,
- Python: Advanced,
- Django: Advanced,
- React JS: Advanced,
- jQuery: Intermediate,
- React JS: Advanced
- jQuery: Intermediate
- Amazon Web Services
- ERP Implementation and Deployment: Intermediate
- Node.js: Intermediate
- MySQL: Advanced
- Golang: Beginner
- Postgre SQL: Advanced.