
DevOps Engineer



(per hour)

Featured Services


  • Dedicated to optimization, experienced DevOps Engineer understands the melding of operations and development to quickly deliver code to customers.
  • Has experience with the Cloud and monitoring processes as well as DevOps development in Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
  • Installed, configured and maintained the Continuous integration in linux environments that helps to maintain the integrity of the code and decrease the downtime.
  • Maintaining and continuously improving an infrastructure for a multisite development team include source code repository, build tools and scripts, Continuous Integration, packaging and deployment tools.
  • Automated operational tasks and deployments using Jenkins and Cloud platforms for quick releases and making new branching and merging strategies based on requirement.

Recent Projects


DevOps Engineer

  • July 1, 2019 - continue

● Dedicated to optimization, experienced DevOps Engineer understands the melding of operations and development to quickly deliver code to customers.rnrn● Has experience with the Cloud and monitoring processes as well as DevOps development in Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.rnrn● Installed, configured and maintained the Continuous integration in linux environments that helps to maintain the integrity of the code and decrease the downtime.

DevOps Engineer

  • July 1, 2018 - June 1, 2019

● Maintaining and continuously improving an infrastructure for a multisite development team include source code repository ,build tools and scripts ,Continuous Integration, packaging and deployment tools.rnrn● Automated operational tasks and deployments using Jenkins and Cloud platforms for quick releases and making new branching and merging strategies based on requirement.

Educational Details


  • Technocrats Institute Of Technology, Bhopa
  • August 1, 2016 - August 1, 2018

Technocrats Institute Of Technology, Bhopal — Master of Computer Applications - 2018


  • Sadguru Institute of Computer Science
  • August 1, 2013 - August 1, 2016

Sadguru Institute of Computer Science, Chitrakoot — Bachelor of Computer Applications - 2016

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