- I am an AWS DevOps Engineer.
- Excellent understanding of technical trends, architectures and highly motivated to keep myself updated with current events, technologies in the software industry.
- Primary Skills: Computer Hardware, Network Installation, Network Maintenance, Technical Support, IT Support, System Installation, Cloud Computing, DevOps Engineer, DevOps, AWS, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, GIT.
- Secondary Skills: Hardware Networking, Hardware Support, Network Support, Hardware Engineering, Network Engineering, Customer Support.
- Setup Jenkins CI-CD Pipeline.
- Setup AWS SES Service and SMTP.
- Setup Website on EC2 / lightsail.
- Setup Email Forwarding Using SES, S3, SNS and Lambda.
- Setup Autoscaling Servers.
- Install and Configure Sendy, Mailwizz and other Emailing Tool on AWS.
- Setup VPC.
- Setup Simple Notification Service for Error and Alert.
- Solving the regular upcoming Hardware issues.
- Evaluating the network issues.
- Configuration of the Computers with the internet.
- Solving the all kind of technical issues.