Oracle PLSQL Developer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1 Month
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


I am an Oracle PL/SQL Developer with skills in JavaScript, SQL etc. Primary Skills: JavaScript & SQL. Secondary Skills: Database, HTML, CSS, Oracle PL/SQL developer & Python developer. Projects -
  1. Vehicle tracking and positional information system -
  • VT & PIS will cover core systems such as Vehicle Tracking System, Real Time Passenger Information System and Central Control Centers. Core technologies include GPRS, GSM, Geographical Positioning System (GPS), Display units and Information & Communication Technologies.
  • Programming Skills used:
  • Creation of Procedures, Packages, Functions, Triggers and DBMS job schedulers.
  • Working with oracle SQL, creating views, subqueries, indexes, synonyms, constraints.
  • Working with advanced SQL, analytical functions.
  • Installation of Oracle all versions.
2. High Security alert -
  • Auditing the tables, creating force refresh materialized views.
  • Writing selects triggers to perform auditing by enabling materialized view features.
  • Creating XLSX report using PL/SQL.

About The Seller

Shekar Chepala

Oracle PLSQL Developer

  • Location:

Starting From
Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 5899

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