I'm a Full Stack software engineer with solid experience with Ruby on Rails and Javascripts Frameworks. I've worked in applications in several business areas and with several technologies
- With expertise in- Ruby on Rails | React JS | Typescript | Next Js | AWS
- I have the following technical skills and have used them in past projects.
- Ruby on Rails
- API Design
- HTML5, CSS3, JQuery
- Bootstrap
- SASS, Vue Js
- GraphQL API
- Database Postgres, SQLite, MySql
- Code versioning (GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Git-flow)
- Deployment (Heroku, AWS, VFS)
- Open source
- Background Jobs Sidekiq, delayed job, Redis
- API Integrations (Stripe, Mercado Pago, HelloSign, ConvertKit, etc)
- Development Processes: TDD, Agile and SCRUM
- 1) Products are geared mainly toward small-sized businesses and offer cloud-based accounting that manage and Invoices.
- Technolgies used:
- css3, jquery, javascript, react-js, graphql, html5, ruby, ruby-on-rails
- 2)CMS is computer software or an application that uses a database to manage all content, and it can be used when developing a website.
- Technolgies used:
- Database, SQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Postgreas
- 3) Auto service Company- A Car advertising CMS with several API (wheelerdelta, ga-connector etc) which is integrated on ruby on rails.
- Technolgies used:
- ruby, rails-6, Activejob, Elasticsearch, Wheeler-Detla API, Aws, caching
- 4) A Car advertising CMS with several API (wheelerdelta, ga-connector etc) which is integrated on ruby on rails.
- Technolgies used:
- ruby, rails-6, Activejob, Elasticsearch, Wheeler-Detla API, Aws, caching
- 5) Hollandia Automotive is Car advertising CMS with several API (wheelerdelta, ga-connector etc) which is integrated on ruby on rails.
- Technolgies used:
- ruby, rails-6, Activejob, Elasticsearch, Wheeler-Detla API, Aws, caching
- 6) Job Portal- Candidate portal provides a secure location where job candidates can apply to specific jobs and respond to documents such as offers.
- Technolgies used:
- Database, SQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Postgreas, capistrano
- 7) Mainstreet is a platform which is helpful to business owner to grow more in to business.
- Technolgies used:
- ruby, heroku, r-spec, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, CSS3, JQuery
- 8) Get your custom designed NoMask or NoVaccine Card! || FREEDOM OF CHOICE – THE AMERICAN WAY
- Technolgies used:
- ruby, rails-6, Heroku, Aws, caching