
Technical Support Engineer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1 Month
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


  • I am a Technical Support Engineer | Expertise in Linux, The Postman, API.
  • Softwares: |Working with Ticketing CRM and Dialer ‐ (Front & Backend) |MS Excel, Outlook | Putty (Linux), |Remote Working With ‐ Anydesk , Webex., RDP | WinSCP.
  • Programming Languages: TML (Basic) | CSS (Basic)
  • Primary Skills: Linux, The Postman API.
  • Secondary Skills: Windows troubleshooting for software-based problems, MySQL database query, HTML, CSS.
  1. # Smart Phone Operated Robot Car Using Arduino UNO Board, (Lifts Weight up to 2kg) - (At Home Individually)
  2. # Smart phone Controlled Door Locking System Using Arduino Nano. (Group of #3) - (For Final Year Project)
  3. # Salesforce – Library Management System
  4. # AWS‐ Create Instance, Load Balancing and General.

About The Seller


Support Engineer

  • Location:

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Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 5418

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QWIRK is a brand owned by Gigart Solutions Incorporation, Delaware, USA. The company is a freelance marketplace to help firms find quality professionals when needed, to be a part of your workforce.