
Python Fullstack Developer

  • 0 Order in queue


  • Delivery Time 1 Month
  • Response Time 5 Hours
  • English Level Fluent


  • I am a Python Full Stack Developer with skills in DJANGO, FLASK, Rest API, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git, SQL (DBA).
  • Utilities - Utilities developed using Python, Yaml, and JSON.
  • Web-Based Utilities: Developed utilities that have Web UI using Python, HTML5, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap.
  • Database Technologies: MySQL.
  • Cloud Technologies: AWS, Azure.
  • DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Git.
  • Python Web-Development Frameworks: Django, Flask.
  • JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, Angular.
  • Primary Skill: Python.
  • Secondary Skills: DJANGO, FLASK, Rest API, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git, SQL (DBA).
Project Experience -
  1. Kafka Consumer Lag Plugin - Kafka Consumer Lag Plugin is a plugin developed using python. This plugin fetches the consumer-lag data from Apache Kafka Cluster and pushes it to the company. That helps customers keep track of consumer lag along with the other Kafka-related metrics that the company provides.
  2. Excel Report Generation tool – It is a python-based utility that generates the excel sheet. It generates the excel reports according to the customer’s requirement. Reports in the excel sheet help customers to get better analysis. It also gives the freedom to modify the details and test the results.
  3. Open Telemetry – It becomes easy to track the root cause of the problem when the flow of code in an application is being traced. By using Open Telemetry, I could provide the deepest insights to the customer along with the flow.
  4. Automation using Python – Automating general and repetitive tasks for the customers.

About The Seller


FullStack Python Developer

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Service charges $0.00

Ref #: 5397

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